For the longest time I've wanted to foster children; eventually I would love to adopt. I have worked, professionally, as a caregiver, for nearly 10 years with children and adults, many who struggle with physical and intellectual challenges. I think I'm especially good at providing something extra for people who have excessively struggled through life. I really want to put that part of my character to use.
I think I could help many hard to reach children by giving them the love and attention they need to reach their potential.
It breaks my heart that so many children in the foster care system are moved around from one foster placement to another; in many cases they are often abused, neglected, and/or separated from their siblings. Since the pandemic, sadly, less people are taking in foster children.
For me, this has all made fostering, but also, buying a house, urgent. I want a safe and healthy home for our (hopefully) near-future foster family.
My very loving and caring husband was stationed in South Korea for the past three years with the Army. Fostering was on my mind the whole time we were there. From Korea, using online real-estate sites, I continued to watch home prices rise in Michigan, our home-state. I tried looking into ways I could foster in Korea, but it didn’t work out.
We are now back in the states, (we were unfortunately greeted with COVID-19; we are healing and are almost done with the quarantine now.) My husband is currently finishing up his time in the military. We have continued looking for a home but housing prices have been out of our reach and they continue to rise.
We are hoping that we can get financial help to buy a healthy home with enough rooms to home our future foster children (and hopefully our adopted children, in the more distant future.)
We would be so incredibly grateful to you for your donations. I am happiest when I am in the position to give love and support, help people meet their potential, and help them feel a little less alone.
I think that so many foster kids are missing the love and support they need to thrive and I know I can give that to them. If you decide to help us you would be making so many people’s lives better. I truly believe this.
Whatever you decide thank you for taking the time to read this.
With so much love,
Thank you again,
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