A home to call our own!

Well, Victor asked me to be his wife and I said yes! Yay!! While I was hesitant about setting up registries my mother assured me that when you get married that's just what you do. So I have thought long and hard about "stuff" Victor and I could use once we were married and came to the conclusion that we wouldn't have anywhere to keep said "stuff." We live in a very small place with three other people. We have been working on saving money to buy a house of our own and while looking up registry sites I found "Feather The Nest" I could not think of a better wedding gift then help from our friends and family to build a home to call our own. We know this is not the traditional way to set up a registry so for our friends and family who are hesitant about this idea we do have a more traditional registry with Wal-Mart. Thanks everyone for being a part of this very special day in our lives!! 


savanna chessor

Wilmington, North Carolina

Gifts From
