Hey guys! So as you know, I turned 27 this year and my 20's have been a whirlwind of events that unfortunately didn't go as I had planned. My career path was put on pause when I was diagnosed with my first cancer and then I tried to pick up where I left off and had big plans for myself but then cancer came again. My career plans are no longer possible due to the side effects from all of the treatment to my brain tumor that I've gone through. I've been on permanent SSI for about 2 years now, last summer I was able to pick up a part time job working in childcare at a local gym. Although I now have 2 incomes it's still not enough to be able to save up to buy a place of my own since California is super expensive. I've also been on a waiting list to be put on a waiting list for affordable housing for over a year now which is kind of frustratin. So if you could help with a small donation towards a down payment for place of my own that would be highly appreciated and you'd be helping my mental health immensely and also investing in my future! Buying a small condo would end up being less than rent would cost me as long as I have a decent down payment. Don't get me wrong, I love living with my mom and brothers but I'm coming to the end of my 20's and its time I get a place of my own and figure out life as an adult again. Your help is appreciated soo much! Much love! -Stephanie
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