When a tiny, sick and obviously homeless and starved kitten showed up on my doorstep I had no idea where it would lead to.
Despite immediate medical care, the kitten died after a day. Then 2 weeks later another kitten showed up, clearly a sister of the 1st one. Of course I had to feed her. As a feral she did not let herself getting caught. So I just fed her…
To make a long story short… More cats showed up, ferals and strays, adults and kittens, and in terrible health. All got the medical care needed and were taken inside the house, since the community where I live does not allow cats if not on a leash.
Over the years more showed up, a few died too soon due to the terrible start they had, despite all the (medical) care and top food they received. Many tears have been shed here.
3 Cats didn’t thrive inside so they live, against the rules, outside and pretty much stayed on the property, but then another stray showed up and neighbors are now complaining that they use their yard as a litter box and get comfortable on their car and even scratch it.
Not everything is a cat lover so I do understand they are upset with my cats when they are extending their environment in to their yard.
Today I was told the cats have to go inside (not an option) or else. I was also told they should be just dropped off at Animal Control, who will kill them after a few days, since they are not adoptable. They were ferals, although I can handle them easily. But they are afraid of “strangers”. Besides they are between 8 and 13 years.
Over the year it has been my dream to find a few acres with a home where I can built a save sactuary for them (and any neighbors). But my failing health has not let me work full-time, so I never got the money together for the down payment.
I recently got married to my long time sweetheart and he’s working so we now have money to pay for a mortgage, but we have no downpayment yet.
All my savings went to the cats, food, medical care and whatever else needed, so no down payment for a house.
I think any cat lover would agree with me that the wellbeing of the cats is important and in the right environment I could even help more cats. Especially elderly cats! So putting them to sleep is absolutely no option. I want them to be happy, if possible outside where they can chase flies, or lizards or even each other.
It’s critical I move soon, one cat was already captured and disposed of; a nice way of saying “killed”. He was a big sweetheart. And deserved a few more years to live in peace.
I want to get the down payment of $25000 together for a house of no more than $125K with 3+ acres in a quiet area with no traffic. With $10.000 extra to make it completely safe for the cats to be outside.
I will put up a website about the cats, who they are, how they thrive, their personalities, etc.
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