Get Christian His Own Room (a.k.a. the Lindholm's first home fund)!

Since Marlayna's arrival three years ago, we have been blessed with all the ups (and downs) of providing for our growing family.  One of the long term goals of doing everything we can for our children is providing them with a home of our own.  We want them to be able to grow up with a familiar place that is theirs so that when all the chaos and unpredictability of life occurs they have a stable place to get out of life's metaphorical storms.  Also after the marathon of moving that Mark and I have experienced to get to this place in our lives, we are looking forward to being settled for this chapter of life.  The process to achieve this goal has been started and is ongoing, and Christian's arrival this fall has provided us with renewed inspiration to make it a reality. 

After receiving many generously given necessities for the baby boy, along with what he gets in hand-me-downs (sorry second child syndrome haha), I have felt at a loss for what else we need when people ask what they can get for him.  That was until looking around our current residence we realized we would soon be needing another room.  And so for all you friends and family that would like to get Christian something we would like to give you the idea of putting that generosity towards helping fund our effort to get him his own room and both him and Marlayna a home to grow up in.

We thank you all and love you!

Mark, Alicia, Marlayna, & little Christian


Alicia Lindholm

Tucson, Arizona

Gifts From
