
They've done things quite different,
a little backwards some may say.
For they have two beautiful little girls,
and bought a house not long ago from this very day!

Then the moment had finally came,
when he asked and she said yes.
Nothing short of a dream come true....
him a blue suit and her in a white dress!

Now it's time to celebrate, 
the husband and wife-to-be.
But don't forget the two little lovebugs...
who perfect their family tree.

A toaster, a bath towel, and
perhaps a bar stool...
Generally fill a registry, but for this couple
let's do something cool!

You see, he popped the question,
and a wedding she did plan...
but then their roof leaked
right down through their ceiling fan!

Summer 2018 will be
when Jon and Jamie tie the knot
but let's help them put a new roof
on the house they recently bought!

Gifts From
