House Fixes

My Girlfriend and I moved out of parents house and into this little 2 room condo a few months ago just after Hurricane Harvey hit us and we have quite a bit to fix up here. We need walls and tiles for the shower room (which is a completely separate room from the toilet, we don't know why) new carpets for the 2 rooms, tiles or hardwood for the kitchen/dining area, a couple windows are broken, and a new sink/counter cause the one here is too small to barely fit a dish rack and a microwave on. the only real appliance we have is a refrigerator, and we have plug-in electric burners to cook our food on. With work getting slow it's hard to saw up to fix them. I know asking for help is a little cliche, but I now understand what it's like to NEED the help (being young and all)



Houston, Texas

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