This project is actually being started for my in-laws home that will someday be the home of my dreams. Currently, my mother and father in laws live in late 1800s farmhouse that has been part of the McNeely family for at least 3 generations (I am still trying to research it further.) The house has had some updates throughout the years but is in desperate need of some new improvements. For example, the electricity for the home was a 100 amp servicepanel box that powered the 5 lights and 7 outlets in the whole home.... if you could imagine. My husband and I are trying to put what we can into the home to get it livable up to todays standards and also make it more accessible to my both disabled in laws. They both have rolling walkers to get around the house. I am asking for help because we are in over our heads in trying to fund all of the upgrades needed for the house. With the money, we plan to stretch it out as far as we can to close up the original boards of siding and get the paint on the outside which will also help seal up the house. With whatever is left, we plan to redo the fireplace cement to seal it up and the insulation for the house... as the house has none originally. Thank you all in advance for all of your help.
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