The DeRoo's Home Registry

Dear Friends and Family,

We would like to start by thanking you for loving, caring, and supporting Kim and I through our lives thus far! As we discussed the idea of a wedding registry we realized that we had everything that we would need and some. We began to brainstorm alternatives and the one idea that kept coming up was growing a fund to purchase a home. Even though Kim and I have only been in Abilene for a short period of time, we feel that this is a place that we could call home for a long time! 

We have decided that we will not be taking a honeymoon after our wedding in attempt to save more money for this fund. We both love our friends and families very much and we have realized that hosting you all is not as convenient in an apartment. Kim and I would love for our next home to be a place we can call our own and turn into a home away from home for all of you! 

We appreciate everything that y'all continously do for us and we will be extremely honored by your presence at our wedding.

Thank you for celebrating this step in our journey with us!


The Newlyweds 


Erik DeRoo

Abilene, Texas

Gifts From
