We chose this registry so that we can be one step closer to having our family home. This will be our last year as just a couple, come December 1st we will be Husband and Wife! This past 6 years have been some of the best of our lives. We've built our home were ever we have landed and made sure to always fill it with love and laughter. We've also been so blessed to accumulate all the things we need for inside our home. But once we had Olivia we knew that one day we would want to have a place to watch her grow and not be constantly moving from one apartment to another. So the thought came to our mind that the one thing we'd need to obtain this goal, is the monies to fund our a Forever Home. So for our wedding we wanted to create something that is not only unique but also the most valuable gift of all, a down payment on new home for our family. The most amazing part of it all, is that with this registry y'all will be apart of our new home as well. We Love You and are so Thankful for each and everyone of you!
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