Candace's and Son's New House

I just want to first day that I have been so blessed to have wonderful family and friends to be by my side. I appreciate each and every one of You! So here is my story... My children and I are almost home owners! I am ready to put strong and steady roots down for them in a home. For the last year I have been in a one bedroom apartment with my Mom, and kids. I have conquered some huge obstacles to better the lives of my family. My Mom was in a horrible car wreck last year and got a brainjury and I have been staying close by her and helping her with everything. She has helped me through some pretty big things. I would like to be able to get the down payment together for this beautiful home that I have been approved for and do i can give my Mom her apartment back and her space. I'm at a really good point in my life right now and this would be huge for my children to have their own room, and structure, and strong roots. We just need a little help with the down payment. Anything helps and thank you in advance! Xoxo

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