This seems like a crazy idea but here goes! Nothing would make me happier than if I could own my own home for my children and I again. Back in 2014 I owned a beautiful home mortgage free, a home my children loved and grew up in. I met and married someone that I thought I'd spend the rest of my life with and he convinced me to sell my beautiful home and take 100% of that equity and parlay it into a much bigger house for us to live in..I know, what was I thinking?!?! I guess love is blind , deaf and dumb because 3 months into the new house I discovered he was having multiple affairs and was on every dating and hookup site there was. Long story short within a few months he was gone and he stuck me with a house I couldn't afford on my own and for the first time in my life my children and I faced financial and housing insecurity. I literally lost everything between taking a bath on the house that was purchased with all my equity and trying to rent a place near by to keep my children in the same school district.I made the move to Arizona for a fresh start with my children to escape the pain of having to drive by not one but 2 homes that I owned that he took away from me. I work full time and have a decent job but supporting my 3 kids on my own and living in a hot rental market I'm living paycheck to paycheck throwing away money every month on rent that's more than a mortgage would be all because I don't have enough for a down payment to purchase a modest home and I have no ability to save any money at this point. So here were are, I started thinking outside of the box and discovered crowdfunding for a down payment is actually a thing. If I can make this go viral and many people make a small donation it could really add up and change my life in a big way. I feel uncomfortable asking anyone for anything as I've always been self sufficient but $1,$5,$10 could go a long way if this can be shared far and wide...let's see if we can pull this off! Someone once traded a paper clip all the way up to a house( it's true, Google it) this would truly change my life in a big way... so let's do this!
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